Documentos de BCN open data

RDA simplified.
Anhalt, Joy
Stewart, Richard A.
This article summarizes a presentation on Resource Description and Access (RDA) given at the Reaching Forward conference in Rosemont, Illinois, in May 2011. The presenters felt that, with all that has been written about RDA, a look at practical considerations would be welcome. After a brief look at the historical background and the reasons for developing a new code, the presentation focused on some notable differences between Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition (AACR2) and RDA in structure, terminology, the treatment of certain classes of access points, and various aspects of description as reflected in bibliographic records.
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Kuhagen, Judith A.
Editorial Board EOV -- From Testing to Implementation: Managing Full-Scale RDA Adoption at the University of Chicago -- Introduction -- Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Helped Transform Work Habits at George Washington University Libraries -- RDA Testing in Triplicate: Kent State University's Experiences with RDA Testing -- Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force -- Testing RDA at Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science: The Students Perspectives --Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) with Non-MARC Metadata Standards -- The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging: Applying RDA in One Cataloging Community -- Training for the U.S. RDA Test ....
Introduction Training for the US RDA Test Testing RDA at Dominican University_s Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force RDA Testing in Triplicate From Testing to Implementation Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging
Kuhagen, Judith A.
Editorial Board EOV -- From Testing to Implementation: Managing Full-Scale RDA Adoption at the University of Chicago -- Introduction -- Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Helped Transform Work Habits at George Washington University Libraries -- RDA Testing in Triplicate: Kent State University's Experiences with RDA Testing -- Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force -- Testing RDA at Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science: The Students Perspectives --Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) with Non-MARC Metadata Standards -- The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging: Applying RDA in One Cataloging Community -- Training for the U.S. RDA Test ....
Introduction Training for the US RDA Test Testing RDA at Dominican University_s Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force RDA Testing in Triplicate From Testing to Implementation Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging
Kuhagen, Judith A.
Editorial Board EOV -- From Testing to Implementation: Managing Full-Scale RDA Adoption at the University of Chicago -- Introduction -- Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Helped Transform Work Habits at George Washington University Libraries -- RDA Testing in Triplicate: Kent State University's Experiences with RDA Testing -- Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force -- Testing RDA at Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science: The Students Perspectives --Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) with Non-MARC Metadata Standards -- The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging: Applying RDA in One Cataloging Community -- Training for the U.S. RDA Test ....
Introduction Training for the US RDA Test Testing RDA at Dominican University_s Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force RDA Testing in Triplicate From Testing to Implementation Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging
Kuhagen, Judith A.
Editorial Board EOV -- From Testing to Implementation: Managing Full-Scale RDA Adoption at the University of Chicago -- Introduction -- Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Helped Transform Work Habits at George Washington University Libraries -- RDA Testing in Triplicate: Kent State University's Experiences with RDA Testing -- Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force -- Testing RDA at Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science: The Students Perspectives --Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) with Non-MARC Metadata Standards -- The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging: Applying RDA in One Cataloging Community -- Training for the U.S. RDA Test ....
Introduction Training for the US RDA Test Testing RDA at Dominican University_s Results of the CRCC Informal RDA Testing Task Force RDA Testing in Triplicate From Testing to Implementation Participation in the U.S. RDA Test Program Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) The RDA Test and Hebraica Cataloging