@prefix xsd: . @prefix bcn-norms: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dbpedia-owl: . @prefix dc: . @prefix skos: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gn: . @prefix org: . #@prefix rdfg: . rdfs:comment rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . [ rdfs:comment "Ontology of Norms for Congress Library, Republic of Chile"^^xsd:string , "Ontología de Normas para la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de la República de Chile"^^xsd:string ] . #################### Norm Class bcn-norms:Norm rdf:type owl:Class . bcn-norms:Norm rdfs:label "Norm". bcn-norms:Norm rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "Norm"@en ; skos:altLabel "Law"@en; skos:prefLabel "Norma"@es ; skos:altLabel "Ley"@es; rdfs:comment "Through this class a law is described from legislative context."@en; rdfs:comment "Mediante esta clase se describe una ley a nivel generico en el contexto legislativo."@es . bcn-norms:Norm owl:hasKey (dc:identifier) . ################# has Publish Date bcn-norms:publishDate rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:date . bcn-norms:publishDate rdfs:label "publishDate". bcn-norms:publishDate rdfs:comment "Defines the publication date of a resource."@en. bcn-norms:publishDate rdfs:comment "Define la fecha de publicaci—n de un recurso."@es. bcn-norms:Norm owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty bcn-norms:publishDate; owl:cardinality 1 ]. bcn-norms:publishDate rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:publishDate rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. ################# has Promulgation Date bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:date . bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdfs:label "promulgationDate". bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdfs:comment "Defines the promulgation date of a resource."@en. bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdfs:comment "Define la fecha de promulgaci—n de un recurso."@es. bcn-norms:Norm owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty bcn-norms:promulgationDate; owl:cardinality 1 ]. bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:promulgationDate rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. ################# has Title dc:title rdfs:label "title". dc:title rdfs:comment "Defines a title for a Norm instance."@en. dc:title rdfs:comment "Define un t’tulo para una instancia de la clase Norma."@es. ################# Has Abstract dc:abstract rdfs:label "abstract". dc:abstract rdfs:comment "Defines an abstract for a Norm instance."@en. dc:abstract rdfs:comment "Define un resumen para una instancia de norma."@es. ################# Same As owl:sameAs rdfs:label "sameAs". owl:sameAs rdfs:comment "Defines an URI with a reference to an object."@en. owl:sameAs rdfs:comment "Define una URI con una referencia a un objeto."@es. ################# Has Identifier dc:identifier rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty . dc:identifier rdfs:label "identifier". dc:identifier rdfs:comment "Allows add an unique identifier to a resource."@en. dc:identifier rdfs:comment "Permite agregar un identificador œnico a un recurso."@es. ###################### foaf:Document foaf:Document rdfs:label "Document". foaf:Document rdfs:comment "Describes a document related to a instance of Thing."@en . foaf:Document rdfs:comment "Describe un documento relacionado a alguna instancia derivada de Thing."@es. ###################### dc:date dc:date rdfs:label "Document". dc:date rdfs:comment "Defines a date in dublin core format."@en . dc:date rdfs:comment "Define una fecha en formato dublin core."@es. ###################### skos:Collection skos:Collection rdfs:label "Collection". skos:Collection rdfs:comment "Defines a collection of elements."@en . skos:Collection rdfs:comment "Define una colecci—n de elementos."@es. ###################### skos:Concept skos:Concept rdfs:label "Concept". skos:Concept rdfs:comment "Defines a concept that may exist inner a collection."@en . skos:Concept rdfs:comment "Define un concepto que puede existir dentro de una colecci—n de elementos."@es. ################# Has Number bcn-norms:Norm owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty bcn-norms:hasNumber; owl:cardinality 1 ]. bcn-norms:hasNumber rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:hasNumber rdfs:range xsd:string . bcn-norms:hasNumber rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. bcn-norms:hasNumber rdfs:label "hasNumber". bcn-norms:hasNumber rdfs:comment "Defines a number for a Norm instance."@en. bcn-norms:hasNumber rdfs:comment "Define un nœmero para una instancia de norma."@es. ################# has document bcn-norms:hasDocument rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:hasDocument rdfs:range foaf:Document . bcn-norms:hasDocument rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. bcn-norms:hasDocument rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty . bcn-norms:hasDocument owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isDocumentOf . bcn-norms:hasDocument rdfs:label "hasDocument". bcn-norms:hasDocument rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a generic document and a Norm."@en. bcn-norms:hasDocument rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre un documento genŽrico y una Norma."@es. ################# has xml document bcn-norms:hasXmlDocument rdfs:subPropertyOf bcn-norms:hasDocument . bcn-norms:hasXmlDocument owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isDocumentOf . bcn-norms:hasXmlDocument rdfs:label "hasXmlDocument". bcn-norms:hasXmlDocument rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a Xml document and a Norm."@en. bcn-norms:hasXmlDocument rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre un documento Xml y una Norma."@es. ################# has html document bcn-norms:hasHtmlDocument rdfs:subPropertyOf bcn-norms:hasDocument . bcn-norms:hasHtmlDocument owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isDocumentOf . bcn-norms:hasHtmlDocument rdfs:label "hasHtmlDocument". bcn-norms:hasHtmlDocument rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a Html document and a Norm."@en. bcn-norms:hasHtmlDocument rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre un documento Html y una Norma."@es. ################# is document of bcn-norms:isDocumentOf rdfs:domain foaf:Document . bcn-norms:isDocumentOf rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isDocumentOf rdfs:label "isDocumentOf". bcn-norms:isDocumentOf rdfs:comment "Indicates that a document belongs to a Norm."@en. bcn-norms:isDocumentOf rdfs:comment "Indica que un documento pertenece a una norma."@es. ################# modifications bcn-norms:modifiesTo rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:modifiesTo rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:modifiesTo rdfs:label "modifiesTo". bcn-norms:modifiesTo rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two norms, where the first modifies to second."@en. bcn-norms:modifiesTo rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre dos normas, donde la primera modifica a la segunda."@es. bcn-norms:modifiesTo owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isModifiedBy . bcn-norms:isModifiedBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isModifiedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isModifiedBy rdfs:label "isModifiedBy". bcn-norms:isModifiedBy rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two norms, where the first is modified by the second."@en. bcn-norms:isModifiedBy rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre dos normas, donde la primera es modificada por la segunda."@es. ################ regulations bcn-norms:regulates rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:regulates rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:regulates rdfs:label "regulates". bcn-norms:regulates rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two norms, where the first is a regulation over the second."@en. bcn-norms:regulates rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre dos normas, donde la primera es una regulaci—n sobre la segunda."@es. bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:regulates . bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy rdfs:label "isRegulatedBy". bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two norms, where a first norm is regulated by a second norm."@en. bcn-norms:isRegulatedBy rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre dos normas, donde la primera es regulada por una segunda norma."@es. ################ Concordance bcn-norms:agreeWith rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:agreeWith rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:agreeWith rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty . bcn-norms:agreeWith rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. bcn-norms:agreeWith rdfs:label "agreeWith". bcn-norms:agreeWith rdfs:comment "Define a correspondency between two norms."@en. bcn-norms:agreeWith rdfs:comment "Define una correspondencia entre dos normas."@es. ################ Classification Categories bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory rdf:type owl:Class. bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory owl:hasKey (dc:identifier) . bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory rdfs:subClassOf skos:Collection . bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory rdfs:label "ClassificationCategory". bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory rdfs:comment "Describes grouping methods to which a category of norms can belong."@en. bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory rdfs:comment "Describe mŽtodos de agrupaci—n a los que una categor’a de normas puede pertenecer."@es. #categoriza bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:member . bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:domain bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory . bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:range bcn-norms:Classification . bcn-norms:categorizes rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:label "categorizes". bcn-norms:categorizes owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy . bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:comment "Allows define clasifications for categories of norms."@en. bcn-norms:categorizes rdfs:comment "Permite definir clasificaciones para categorias de normas."@es. #es categorizado bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Classification . bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory . bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdfs:label "isCategorizedBy". bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdfs:comment "Allows know the classification of a defined category."@en. bcn-norms:isCategorizedBy rdfs:comment "Permite conocer la clasificaci—n de una categor’a determinada."@es. ################ Classifications bcn-norms:Classification rdf:type owl:Class. bcn-norms:Classification owl:hasKey (dc:identifier) . bcn-norms:Classification rdfs:label "Classification". bcn-norms:Classification rdfs:comment "Describes grouping methods to which a norm can belong."@en. bcn-norms:Classification rdfs:comment "Describe métodos de agrupaci—n a los que una norma puede pertenecer."@es. #clasificado como bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdfs:domain skos:Concept . bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdfs:range bcn-norms:Classification . bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdfs:label "classifiedAs". bcn-norms:classifiedAs owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:classifies . bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdfs:comment "Allows know the categories of a Norm instance."@en. bcn-norms:classifiedAs rdfs:comment "Permite conocer las categor’as de una instancia de Norma."@es. #clasifica a bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:member . bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:label "classifies". bcn-norms:classifies owl:propertyChainAxiom ( bcn-norms:classifies bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy ). bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Classification . bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:range skos:Concept . bcn-norms:classifies rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:comment "Allows define a classification for a concept that may be a Norm or Rectification."@en. bcn-norms:classifies rdfs:comment "Permite definir una clasificaci—n para un concepto que puede ser una norma o una rectificaci—n."@es. #skos collection definition bcn-norms:Classification rdfs:subClassOf skos:Collection . bcn-norms:Classification rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bcn-norms:Classification skos:broader bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory ; skos:related bcn-norms:Norm ; skos:related bcn-norms:Rectification . ################ Treaty bcn-norms:Treaty rdfs:subClassOf bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:Treaty rdfs:label "Treaty". bcn-norms:Treaty rdfs:comment "Describes a norm in legislative context related with a external country. This is called too International Treaty."@en. bcn-norms:Treaty rdfs:comment "Describe una norma en el contexto legislativo relacionado con un pa’s externo. TambiŽn es llamada tratado internacional."@es. bcn-norms:isTreatyWith rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Treaty . bcn-norms:isTreatyWith rdfs:range dbpedia-owl:Country . bcn-norms:isTreatyWith owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:hasTreaty . bcn-norms:isTreatyWith rdfs:label "isTreatyWith". bcn-norms:isTreatyWith rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a Norm instance and a Country."@en. bcn-norms:isTreatyWith rdfs:comment "Define una relaci—n entre una instancia de norma y un pa’s."@es. bcn-norms:hasTreaty rdfs:domain dbpedia-owl:Country . bcn-norms:hasTreaty rdfs:range bcn-norms:Treaty . bcn-norms:hasTreaty rdfs:label "hasTreaty". bcn-norms:hasTreaty rdfs:comment "Describes a relationship between a Country and their Treaties."@en. bcn-norms:hasTreaty rdfs:comment "Describe una relaci—n entre un pa’s y sus Tratados."@es. ################ Country dbpedia-owl:Country rdfs:label "Country". dbpedia-owl:Country rdfs:comment "Describes a Country for the relationship with Treaty class."@en. dbpedia-owl:Country rdfs:comment "Describe un pa’s para la relaci—n con la clase Treaty (Tratado Internacional)."@es. gn:countryCode rdfs:domain dbpedia-owl:Country . gn:countryCode rdfs:comment "Indicates the country code in ISO-3166 alpha2 format."@en. gn:countryCode rdfs:comment "Indica el c—digo de pa’s en formato ISO-3166 alpha2."@es. ################ Rectification bcn-norms:Rectification owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty owl:sameAs; owl:cardinality 1 ]. bcn-norms:Rectification rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bcn-norms:Rectification rdfs:label "Rectification". bcn-norms:Rectification rdfs:comment "Describes a text published as update for any typing error detected in another norm."@en. bcn-norms:Rectification rdfs:comment "Describe un texto publicado como actualización por algún error de tipeo o similar detectado en tora norma."@es. bcn-norms:Classification skos:related bcn-norms:Rectification . bcn-norms:rectifies rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Rectification . bcn-norms:rectifies owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy . bcn-norms:rectifies rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty . bcn-norms:rectifies rdfs:label "rectifies". bcn-norms:rectifies rdfs:comment "Indicates that a Rectification instance rectifies to a Norm or Rectification instance."@en. bcn-norms:rectifies rdfs:comment "Indica que una instancia de Rectificaci—n rectifica a una instancia de Norma o Rectificaci—n."@es. bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:Rectification . bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty . bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy rdfs:label "isRectifiedBy". bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy rdfs:comment "Indicates that a Norm or Rectification instance is rectified by a Rectification instance."@en. bcn-norms:isRectifiedBy rdfs:comment "Indica que una Norma o Rectificaci—n es rectificada por una instancia de rectificaci—n."@es. ################ RecastedText, Texto Refundido bcn-norms:RecastedText rdfs:subClassOf bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:RecastedText rdfs:label "RecastedText". bcn-norms:RecastedText rdfs:comment "Describes a text published for update old norms."@en. bcn-norms:RecastedText rdfs:comment "Describe un texto publicado para actualizar normas antiguas."@es. bcn-norms:recast rdfs:domain bcn-norms:RecastedText . bcn-norms:recast rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:recast rdfs:label "recast". bcn-norms:recast rdfs:comment "Indicates that a RecastedText instance make update of the content of a Norm instance."@en. bcn-norms:recast rdfs:comment "Indica que una instancia de RecastedText (Texto Refundido) hace una actualizaci—n del contenido de una instancia de norma."@es. bcn-norms:isRecastedBy owl:inverseOf bcn-norms:recast . bcn-norms:isRecastedBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:isRecastedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:RecastedText . bcn-norms:isRecastedBy rdfs:label "isRecastedBy". bcn-norms:isRecastedBy rdfs:comment "Indicates that a Norm is updated through a RecastedText instance."@en. bcn-norms:isRecastedBy rdfs:comment "Indica que una norma es actualizada a travŽs de una instancia de RecastedText (TextoRefundido)"@es. ############################################## # Recent changes 01-04-2011, version 0.2 # # Added Properties # ------------------------------- # - dc:language # - bcn-norms:versionDate # - bcn-norms:type # - bcn-norms:hasName # - bcn-norms:alertedBy # - bcn-norms:createdBy # - bcn-norms:creatorOf # - bcn-norm:subOrganizationOf # # # Added Classes # ------------------------------- # - bcn-norms:NormType # - bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization # - # - ########## has language dc:language rdfs:label "Language" . dc:language rdfs:comment "A language of the resource."@en . dc:language rdfs:comment "El lenguaje de un recurso."@es . ########## has version date bcn-norms:versionDate rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:date . bcn-norms:versionDate rdfs:label "versionDate" . bcn-norms:versionDate rdfs:comment "Defines the version date of a resource."@en . bcn-norms:versionDate rdfs:comment "Define la fecha de la versi—n de un recurso."@es . ########## NormType bcn-norms:NormType rdf:type owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty bcn-norms:type; owl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ] . bcn-norms:NormType rdfs:label "NormType". bcn-norms:NormType rdfs:comment "Describes a type norm in legislative context."@en . bcn-norms:NormType rdfs:comment "Describe un tipo de norma en contexto legislativo. "@es . ########## is of type bcn-norms:type rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:type rdfs:range bcn-norms:NormType . bcn-norms:type rdfs:label "type" . bcn-norms:type rdfs:comment "Defines the type of a norm."@en . bcn-norms:type rdfs:comment "Determina el tipo de una norma."@es . ########## has norms:hasName bcn-norms:hasName rdfs:range xsd:string . bcn-norms:hasName rdfs:label "hasName" . bcn-norms:hasName rdfs:comment "The name of a entity."@en . bcn-norms:hasName rdfs:comment "El nombre de una entidad."@es . bcn-norms:hasName rdfs:domain [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( bcn-norms:NormType bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization bcn-norms:ClassificationCategory bcn-norms:Classification dbpedia-owl:Country ) ] . ########## alertedBy bcn-norms:alertedBy rdfs:label "alertedBy" . bcn-norms:alertedBy rdfs:comment "An advice in an obsolete norm if there is a most current recasted text."@en . bcn-norms:alertedBy rdfs:comment "Un aviso en una norma obsoleta si existe un texto refundido m‡s actual."@es . bcn-norms:alertedBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:alertedBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:RecastedText . ########## Organization bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization rdfs:subClassOf org:FormalOrganization . bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization rdfs:label "GovernmentalOrganization". bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization rdfs:comment "A governmental Organization that is creator of a Norm."@en . bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization rdfs:comment "Una organizaci—n gubernamental que es creadora de una norma."@es . ########## createdBy bcn-norms:createdBy rdfs:domain bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:createdBy rdfs:range bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization . bcn-norms:createdBy rdfs:label "createdBy" . bcn-norms:createdBy rdfs:comment "Defines the creator organization for a norm."@en . bcn-norms:createdBy rdfs:comment "Determina la organizaci—n creadora de una norma."@es . ########## creatorOf bcn-norms:creatorOf rdfs:domain bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization . bcn-norms:creatorOf rdfs:range bcn-norms:Norm . bcn-norms:creatorOf rdfs:label "creatorOf" . bcn-norms:creatorOf rdfs:comment "Defines the norms created for an organization."@en . bcn-norms:creatorOf rdfs:comment "Determina las normas creadoras por una organizaci—n."@es . ########## has subOrganizationOf bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty . bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdfs:domain bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization . bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdfs:range bcn-norms:GovernmentalOrganization . bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdfs:label "subOrganizationOf" . bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdfs:comment "Defines that a organization is sub organization of another."@en . bcn-norms:subOrganizationOf rdfs:comment "Determina una organizaci—n sub organizaci—n de la otra."@es . ########## modifiesTo named graph # Se evaluo la posibilidad de implementar las relaciones modifies, modifiedBy, etc. # como named graph pero # finalmente se decidi— uqe no porque los grafos son particulares para cada norma # por la forma de la URI que tiene cada norma.